Dr. Sagi Akron
Sagi Akron is a lecturer (assistant professor of finance) at the Graduate School of Management, University of Haifa.
Dr. Akron holds a Ph.D. in finance from Tel Aviv University - The Faculty of Management, The Leon Recanati Graduate School of Business Administration.
His research focuses on corporate finance and corporate governance - managerial compensation, corporate hedging, and the value of control, anomalies in light of business cycles, business cycles and real estate public sentiment, the financial implications of corporate social responsibility.
He teaches managerial economics, corporate finance, and investments.
Dr. Yoel Asseraf
Dr. Asseraf (PhD 2014, University of Haifa) is lecturer and head of the marketing and international business programs at Ruppin Academic Center, Israel. His research focuses on the intersection of strategy and international marketing. Recently, his research on ‘tug of war’ inside consumer minds has been published in the European Journal of Marketing (co-author with Prof. Aviv Shoham).
Prof. Ofira Ayalon
Prof. Ofira Ayalon holds a Ph.D. from Faculty of Agricultural Engineering, Technion, Haifa (2000).
Since the year 2000 she teaches at the Department of Natural Resources and Environmental Management, Faculty of Management, University of Haifa and acts as Head of Environment cluster at the Samuel Neaman Institute, Technion. Since 2010 she is the Director of NRERC- Natural Resource and Environmental Research Center at the University of Haifa and the head of the Energy Management and Policy program at the Department of Natural Resources and Environmental Management.
Her research topics involve a wide range of activities related to environmental research and policy implications. The studies have served as a model for nationally recognized, updated energy and environmental activities for a variety of academic and public bodies that promote environmental policy in Israel. The resulting reports are submitted and jointly followed-up in cooperation with the Ministries of Finance, National Infrastructure and Environmental Protection, as well as other relevant government bodies. Research subjects include waste management, energy policy and management, biofuel potential in Israel, agriculture and the environment, business opportunities in environmental technologies (clean-tech), reducing transportation-related air pollution and recent research topics include mitigation of greenhouse gases as well as adaptation to climate change.
Dr. Amos Baranes
Dr. Amos Baranes earned his PhD from the University of Chicago, and is also a Certified Public Accountant in the United States. He worked at PWC as a Senior Economist in the field of Transfer Pricing. At Lexecon Inc., Dr. Baranes developed the practice of Corporate and Asset Valuation. He also founded the company AVNAT Ltd., which provides business intelligence services to financial institutions. In addition, Dr. Baranes is the founder of Africa Industrial Business Center (AIBC), which provides consulting services in the fields of Business Intelligence and Training for Financial Institutions in several countries in Africa. He lectures advanced courses in Entrepreneurship, Finance and Information Technology and carry out research in using XBRL data to forecast financial performance implementing advance algorithms. .
Dr. David Bodoff
David Bodoff is a Senior Lecturer in the Graduate School of Management. He is Area Head of Information Systems, and teaches in the department of business management and in the department of information and knowledge management. His research is organized around the central topic of search, with three specific focii: (1) consumer search behavior, online and offline; (2) technical aspects of information retrieval (aka search engines); and (3) information science.
Prof. Andrea Ghermandi
Prof. Andrea Ghermandi is a tenured Senior Lecturer at the Department of Natural Resources and Environmental Management at the University of Haifa (Israel) and a member of the Global Young Academy. He is the founder and former academic head of the Global Green MBA program at the University of Haifa's Faculty of Management and a member of the Executive Committee of the Natural Resources and Environmental Research Center (NRERC). He received a Ph.D. in Analysis and Governance of Sustainable Development from the School for Advanced Studies in Venice Foundation at the University of Venice in 2008. An environmental engineer by training, his research spans over a range of fields including the technical and economic analysis of ecological engineering and renewable energy desalination technologies, the valuation and mapping of freshwater and marine ecosystem services, the use of research synthesis techniques and crowdsourced digital data in environmental studies. In recent years, Prof. Ghermandi has contributed to high-profile international initiatives such as TEEB-The Economics of Ecosystems and Biodiversity, the UNEP/GEF Project for Ecosystem Services (ProEcoServ), the Ocean Health Index, and the Ecosystem Service Partnership. He has published in major environmental science and environmental economics journals such as Water Research, Global Environmental Change, Water Resources Research, Science of the Total Environment, Ecosystem Services, Journal of Environmental Management, Ecological Economics, and Environmental and Resource Economics.
Prof. Mashor Housh
Prof. Housh is a faculty member at University of Haifa in the Department of Natural Resources and Environmental Management, Faculty of Management. He joined the University of Haifa in October 2013 after a two-year Post-Doc at the University of Illinois Urbana-Champaign (UIUC).
Prof. Housh received his Bachelor of Science degree (cum laude) in Civil and Environmental Engineering from the Technion in 2007. His undergraduate studies focused on Hydrodynamics and Water Resources Engineering. He earned his Ph.D. (direct track) in Hydrodynamics and Water Resources Engineering from the Technion in 2011. His research interest covers: Optimization under Uncertainty, Robust Optimization, Large-Scale Optimization of Infrastructure Systems, Planning and Management of Water Resources Systems under Uncertainty, Design, Operation and Monitoring of Water Supply Systems.
Dr. Kobi Inbar
Dr. Kobi Inbar Has many years of extensive entrepreneurial, managerial, R&D and business experience, working with both startups and investors in the life-sciences, bio-medical and cleantech industries. Dr. Inbar served as the CEO of TK Signal and was the VP Operations for Peptor. Prior to that, he served as the VP R&D at ProCognia (formerly GlycoData) and Head of the Drug Discovery Unit at Collgard Biopharmaceutical. Dr. was the founder and COO at Genaphora Ltd., an advanced water detection company, working in partnership with Mekorot, The Israeli National Water Company. Recently he serves as the V.P. R&D at the Stockton Group, an Israeli-based company operating in the global market of Bio-pesticides for sustainable agriculture. Dr. Inbar is the Administrative Director and Business Advisor for the “Root of The Matter” Knowledge Center for the Advanced Research of The Root Zone. Dr. Inbar was the Academic Director of the Bio-Medical MBA Program, the School Business Administration, The College of Management Academic Studies, Rishon LeZion, Israel. Currently, Dr. Inbar is a lecturer and faculty member at the Department of Economics and Business Management, The Faculty of Social Sciences and Humanities, Ariel University. He also teach Biotechnology Entrepreneurship at the Bio-Medical MBA Program, School of Business Administration, The Hebrew University of Jerusalem and at the International MBA Programs, Faculty of management, University of Haifa, Israel - Teaching course In Green Entrepreneurship. Dr. Inbar holds a Ph.D. in Biochemistry and Microbiology from the Hebrew University of Jerusalem, as well as an MBA degree from the EMBA Program of the Arison School of Business, the Interdisciplinary Center in Herzliya.
Prof. Ronny Manos
Ronny Manos lectures in finance at the College of Management, Israel. Her PhD in Finance is from the Birmingham Business School, University of Birmingham. She has taught at various institutions including Cranfield School of Management; Open University, Israel; the International Executive Program of the Zicklin School of Business in Singapore, Taiwan and Paris; Haifa University; and at the Technion, Israel. She teaches a wide range of courses including corporate finance, financial management, investment theory and applications, quantitative tools for finance, international finance and small business finance.
Prof. Manos's PhD thesis was on the topic of corporate finance in emerging markets and her recent research interests include such topics as corporate finance, corporate social responsibility and microfinance. Her work has appeared in journals such as the International Review of Applied Economics; the Journal of Economics and Business; Advances in Financial Economics; Asia Pacific Journal of Financial Studies; and the International Review of Economics & Finance. She has also co-edited a special issue of the International Journal of Financial Services Management on microfinance and banking services in emerging economies and has co-edited two books on this subject.
Dr. Tuvia Melamed
Tuvia is a Chartered Occupational Psychologist with 30 years experience in the fields of business psychology. In 2009 he started a new talent management business – ClearWater A&D – specializing in OD Product development, executive coaching, leadership development, and psychological assessment. Tuvia combines a unique blend of strong technical knowhow with practical and commercially grounded consultancy skills. This mixture is reflected in his background. He worked in the consultancy field for several niche as well as large consultancy firms, and gained exposure to an impressive client list from Central and Local government and from blue chip private sector. Most recent roles were at Director and Equity Partner levels where he headed practices (Assessment, Coaching, and Resourcing). He spent his earlier career in academia – where he was a Senior Lecturer at several universities and a Director for an MBA in a Business School.
Prof. Mahmoud Qadan
Mahmoud Qadan is Assistant Professor of Finance in the School of Business Administration at the University of Haifa. His research interests are in the areas of asset pricing, the microstructure of capital markets, financial econometrics, and behavioral finance. Dr. Qadan has also won prizes for his teaching and research.
Dr. Tamar Trop
Tamar has a B.Sc. in Physical Geography and Atmosphere Sciences from the Department of Earth Sciences at the Hebrew University (1987), and a M.Sc. (1992) and a Ph.D. (2002) in Urban and Regional Planning from the Faculty of Architecture and Town Planning at the Technion – Israel Institute of Technology. Her research interests lie in the areas of urban planning, urban sustainability, planning and evaluating sustainable infrastructure, planning and managing open spaces, nature conservation, conservation of coastal and marine environments, landscape ecology, regional planning and development, and public policy analysis. Tamar teaches an array of courses, including: public policy design, ecology of the built environment, environmental impact assessment, and sustainable infrastructure.
Dr. Kimberlee Weaver
Dr. Weaver Livnat received her PhD in psychology from Princeton University and completed her postdoctoral training at the University of Michigan in Ann Arbor. She is an expert on persuasion, social influence, and the presentation of information. Her research has been published in leading journals in psychology and consumer behavior such as the Journal of Personality and Social Psychology, the Journal of Consumer Research, the Journal of Consumer Psychology, and the Journal of Experimental Social Psychology.
Her work has been frequently featured in the business and popular press in outlets around the world such as the New York Times, Washington Post, Wall Street Journal, Bloomberg Businessweek, Forbes magazine, Time magazine, Boston Globe, Scientific American Mind, NPR, ABC News, Fox News, MSNBC, Times of India, The Globe and Mail (Canada), the Times (London), Der Spiegel (Germany), International Business Times (Australia) and Chosun (South Korea). Since January 2022 she is the head of the MBA Program Specializing in Sustainability.