About the MBA Program Specializing in Sustainability 

(Global Green MBA)

Program overview

Israel is rated as one of the most advanced countries in the world for the management of water and renewable energy resources, and a leader in developing innovative and sustainable technologies. This accumulated knowledge is embodied in the Haifa University School of Business Administration's new Master in Business Administration (MBA) program, which focuses on the subject of Sustainable Business Management ("Global Green MBA").

The MBA program Specializing in Sustainability is unique in Israel for its focus on issues of environmental and social sustainability that are increasingly at the heart of business managers’ responsibilities. This new MBA program seeks to promote sustainability-oriented leadership by providing the students with the essential tools for business management and incorporating leading-edge principles of sustainability throughout the curriculum.

The MBA program combines high academic standards with an international learning environment and provides superb opportunities for advanced learning and extensive cross-cultural exchange.

Students who complete the program, will be granted a Master of Business Administration degree (MBA), with a specialization in Sustainability.

The School of Business Administration

The University of Haifa's School of Business Administration is recognized as a pioneer in designing new and unique MBA programs in Israel. The innovative objectives of the School have been achieved while consistently maintaining excellence in terms of course content, teaching faculty, students and administrative staff. To achieve our goals, we maintain close relationships with researchers and business communities in Israel and abroad.

This MBA program benefits from the close cooperation between the School of Business Administration and the Department of Natural Resources and Environmental Management.

The School of Business Administration is situated in the main campus of the Haifa University, on picturesque Carmel Mountain overlooking the major port city of Haifa in Northern Israel. Its MBA programs are ranked amongst the best in Israel and its degrees are recognized around the world.

The students and the program

The MBA Program specializing in sustainability is a one-year post-graduate degree program, taught in English, which opened in 2013/14. This is an intensive program, built in five study periods each with duration of nine weeks. The teaching schedule is organized over two half days a week, with classes on Thursdays starting at noon time and Friday mornings.

Make-up classes, exams and other academic activities may take place on other week days as well. Students will be notified in advance.

The MBA program is intended for an international class of students, with English as the teaching language. The program is particularly appropriate for young graduates who are interested in a Master's degree in Business that addresses the challenging issues of Sustainability. Previous business experience is an advantage but is not compulsory.

The program includes a core of Business Administration courses and a range of specialist courses on topics related to Sustainability and Environmental Management. The students are required to participate with proficiency in all courses. A compulsory applied final project offers a further opportunity for students to see how ideas taught in the classroom are implemented in the real world.

Academic and Administrative Staff

The program is taught by Israeli and visiting professors, plus distinguished guest lecturers with extensive experience in the establishment and management of sustainability projects worldwide.

Most faculty members at the School of Business Administration have senior academic status and are well known and respected in the academic community. They are actively involved in academic research as well as in practical consulting, and maintain beneficial relationship with the business world. Faculty members share a common vision, emphasizing excellence in teaching, research and community involvement.

Admission Requirements

Women and men who possess the following qualifications are welcome to apply for admission to the program:

Applicants who hold an advanced accredited degree, as well as applicants who hold senior managerial positions, may apply to the School’s MA committee for exemption from the GMAT/Internal Exam.


Registration will begin on 11.02.2024 and will end on 15.09.2024.

Academic year 2024-2025 will start in October 2024.

Israeli candidates may apply through the University of Haifa online Registration Portal. (English speaking Israeli students may use the registration guide).

Candidates abroad may apply through the International School .

You should submit the Registration Department the following documents:


For international students:

The tuition fee for foreign students for 2022/23 is $10,600 for the entire program, plus an additional $283 for Service Fees (Security, Library, Health Insurance, etc.)

.Final tuition for the next academic year is updated annually

For Israeli students:

The tuition fee for Israeli students is the regular tuition fee as determined by the Israeli Council of Higher Education (200%).

Administrative Management

Program Head: Prof. Andrea Ghermandi

E-mail: aghermand@univ.haifa.ac.il 

Program Coordinator: Ms. Orly Danenberg

E-mail: odanenber@univ.haifa.ac.il

Tel: 04-8288732